Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)

Illinois, Wednesday, June 22, 1955. Checks for Summer Sizable charm is proportion- divides to show a pretty panel ed to the brief figure in a black insert of white embroidered orand white checked sheer cot- gandy. ton. The button trimmed front (Wide World Photo) New Slim Summer Coat Tops Sheer Cotton Dresses for Travel By Marian Rahl gleaming little gold stud-like but- Summer. weather has its special needs and frequently the cotton dress or suit does not completely serve your purpose for that costume look you enjoy during other seasons.

The new full-length cotton coats in sleekly slim cuts are designed just for this look, to be worn over your sheerest cottons. They have surface interest that enhances their appeal too. Smart for travel, vacation or any other occasion, the lightweight summer coat has long, lean lines. It is tailored with the perfection of fine wool and looks wonderful over the sheath dress. Uncluttered necklines such as the mandarin, devoid of collars, and sleeves that are short to three-quarter or braceJet-length prove they were designed for warm-weather wear.

Some do have important collars however, and while many are designed with slashed side seams and no front closing, others have MARY LOUISE SCHROAT BRIDE OF BRUCE HOLMES have business at 7:30 p. m. today in the home of Mrs. Charles Adult Club will Murphy, 1142 W. Eldorado St.

in Monroe Bridge will follow. made for the Miss Mary Louise Schroat, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett William Schroat, 1823 W. Center became the bride of Bruce Barton Holmes, son of Mr.

and Mrs. James H. Holmes, Hall, 'Thursday evening in the (Voodlawn Baptist Church. The Rev. Albert Schultz officiated.

A reception followed in the church parlors, and the couple left for a short wedding trip. They will live at 960 E. Cleveland Ave. He is a student at the Bethel Baptist Bible School and is ployed at the Famous Bargain Store. For her wedding the former Miss Schroat wore a floor length white chantilly lace and nylon net dress over taffeta.

Her fingertip length veil of illusion was held by a pearl trimmed satin cap, and she carried a white Bible with white stephanotis and ruffled orchids. Her sister Maxine was maid of honor in a vellow dress of lace and net over taffeta made with an apron effect tapering to a point in front edged with daisies. She carried a fan with lavendar daisies. Bridesmaids were another sister Ruby and Miss Delores Hubler. They wore pale blue dresses of lace and net made like that of the maid of honor, and carried fans arranged with yellow daisies.

Gene McDonald was best man, and ushers were Charles Batchelder and Edwin Morenz. Monroe Adult Club Monroe Park meet at 7:30 tonight Park. Plans will be season. Carnation Club Carnation Club of Degree of Honor Lodge 1 will have Mrs. Erney Gentry, 1725 E.

Wood as hostess at 7:30 tonight. Past Chiefs Past Chiefs Club of Degree of Pocahontas will meet at 7:30 in the home of Mrs. Arleigh Robison, 338 Longview Pl. INSURE HAROLD IRISH BE SURE INSURANCE tomorrow! 201 Citizens Bldg. Curry Dishes Pep Up Summer Menus Make Delicate Curry With Variety of Vegetables By The Chef Curries, can be as simple or as complicated as you like.

In fact, a more than passable one can be made by adding curry powder, a little red wine, perhaps some raisins and chopped canned peaches to a can of beef stew. Here's a delicate curry with a variety of vegetables, the recipe specifies shrimp, but you can substitute chicken. Into a large skillet, chop an apple, an onion, a clove of garlic, a small tomato, half a green pepper and enough celery tops to make about cup. Saute these in 4 tablespoons of butter until vegetables are golden. Now add a tablespoon of cornstarch, a tablespoon of curry powder, teaspoon each of nutmeg and marjoram.

Stir till thickened, add cups of chicken stock or water, and stir smooth. To this, add 2 cups of cooked shrimp, and simmer till ingredients are heated through. Sprinkle with white juice, rice and with lime and serve fluffy your curry accompaniments. A quickie with a Hawaiian flavor is this chicken curry, it uses canned soup as a base, and is especially good with a side dish of combined chunk pineapple and curry, glazed. Cook a diced onion and cup chopped celery in 2 tablespoons of butter or margarine until soft, then add tablespoons of curry powder and stir smooth.

Add the contents of two cans of cream of chicken soup, plus 2 cups diced cooked (or canned) chicken, stir smooth, and add cup of sour cream. Heat through but do not boil. Serve with rice. The side dishes on this are rather fancy. Saute cup chopped or slivered almonds in 2 tablespoons of butter.

Stir and cook till golden. Remove almonds to a serving dish. Drain a No. 2 can of pineapple chunks, and mix with 2 or tablespoons of chutnev. Saute mixture in butter a few minutes until glazed, then remove to serving dish.

Serve pineapple and almonds on the side with curry and rice. Last, the bland, curried vegetable puree Indians call dahl. This could be a main luncheon dish or a second dish to contrast with a more colorful meat curry in an elaborate meal. Soak a cup of dried lentils night. Drain and place in a pot with fresh water to cover, salt and pepper and add a chopped onion.

Simmer for 2 hours, or until lentils are tender. Meanwhile, in a skillet, saute a chopped onion and a chopped clove of garlic. Stir in a tablespoon of curry powder and a touch of cayenne. Simmer for a few minutes. Now add onion mixtures to lentil mixture and continue to cook for an hour.

Put through a coarse sieve, and serve with plenty of rice on the side. tons or other larger pearl or bone types. Choose summer coat to complement the cottons you now own. It may be the homespun-type cotton in rough textured tweed or ratine; a smoother whipcord or high fashion linen. Colors include wearable black, gray, navy, brown and paler neutral tan as well as gold and pastels.

Your coat ensemble may be teamed to a sheath dress or skirt and over-blouse or weskit top. The coat may be unlined or boast a gay printed cotton inside. Selected carefully with summer needs in mind, the linen or cotton coat ensemble will be wearable with other parts of your wardrobe too. Certainly the coat may be worn with spring's dress or suit in miniature plaid, check of fine stripes as well as over its linen or cotton counterpart designed for summer days. WHO'S NEW Michaeleen Louise, born June to Mr.

and Mrs. Jay McClure of Davenport, Iowa. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Michael, 894 W.

North St. and Mr. and Mrs. W. A.

McClure of Oklahoma City, Okla. A baby girl, Aura Mals, born June 4 to Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Price of Denver, Colo. Mrs.

Price is the former Wilma Myrtle Pennington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Pennington, 330 W.

Center St. Marcia Elaine, new daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bascom of Waukegan.

She was born June 14 in Waukegan Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bascom, 806 W. Elm and Mr.

and Mrs. John Wakefield of Oakley. Beatrice Reed and Harry Hixson Marry Mrs. Beatrice Reed, 457 Longview and Harry Hixson of Bement were married Sunday by the Rev. Harold G.

Marsh in the Tabernacle Baptist Church. Attendants were her brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Prentice Curfman. The new Mrs.

Hixson was formerly with Newman's store. After a wedding trip to the Smoky Mountains, the couple will live in Bement where Mr. Hixson is in business. Sorority Meeting Pi Kappa Tau Sorority will Eagles Auxiliary Eagles Auxiliary officers will meet at 7 p. m.

Thursday with general business following at 8 p.m., both in the Eagles Home. Did you know? Peaco*ck Cleaners and Launderers Have DRI-N-FOLD Laundry Service ONLY 9C LB. SHIRTS with Laundry Bundle 17c Each Individually Packaged in Cellophane 750 E. PRAIRIE Dial 3-3835 FREE Pickup Delivery This attractive chicken curry is a time saver. Serve it with a combination of glazed pineapple CLINTON WEDDING Teacher's Father Officiates At Friday Wedding Clinton, June 21 (Staff) Miss Lois Allen and John E.

Armstrong were married Friday night in the Clinton Baptist Church. The Rev. and Mrs. Casper J. Allen are the bride's parents.

Mr. Armstrong is the -son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Armstrong of Leechburg, Pa. The 7:30 p.

m. candlelight service was read by the bride's father, pastor of the church. After a short wedding trip the couple will go to Bloomington to make their home. The new Mrs. Armstrong is a graduate of Arcola High School and Illinois State Normal University, Normal.

She taught in the Lincoln grade school, Clinton. Mr Armstrong, an Army veteran of two years, is draftsman with Genexal Electric at Bloomington. Couple Married in Clinton To Live in Minnesota Clinton, June 21 (Staff) Mrs. Irene Dial, Clinton, and Joseph J. Sharp, St.

Paul, were united in marriage in the Clinton Christian church Sunday, at 3 p. m. The Rev. B. E.

Junkins, officiated. Attending the couple were Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Rantoul, sister-inlaw of the bride, and Dr. David Sharp, Titusville, Pa. A reception followed in the church parlors after which the couple left for St.

Paul, where they will make their home. The bride, daughter of F. E. Taylor of Pomona, has been employed as secretary in the law office of Porter Lamkin. Mr.

Sharp was formerly manager of the Royal Finance Corporation in Clinton but is now associated with the Ben Franklin Savings and Loan Association at St. Paul. Marriage Announced Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wimmer, 449 E.

Garfield announce the June 11 marriage in Clinton of their daughter Carol and Jerry Bradshaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bradshaw, 2828 E. Hickory St. Attendants were Miss Sue Bryant and Robert Sutton.

The couple is living at 2828 E. Hickory and he is employed at Quality Doughnut Shop. SUV Auxiliary Potluck Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans 1 will have potluck luncheon at noon Thursday in the home of Mrs. Charles Pennington, 330 W. Center St.

YOU ALL CAN EAT HOTEL ST. NICK Every Nite All Day Sunday $1.55 PROPER WATERING OF GARDENS, LAWNS Here's everything you need to know about watering, to get your lawn, flowers and shrubs safely through a long, hot summer. July Better Homes Gardens shows you the new watering accessories and how to use them for best results. Get it today, wherever magazines are sold! Johnnie's Mother Is Sick No Money It happens every day. Remember if it happens to you and you need medicine, every Pharmacist at Roth Johnson is pledged to charge medicine for anyone needing medical attention.

Have your Doctor call us, and we will deliver it to your home. believe medical attention one should be deprived. of are "temporarily short." ROTH JOHNSON DRUG CO. 143 N. Water Decatur, Ill.

Girl Scouts at Camp Twenty Girl Scouts have started their camping period in Big Creek Park. Troops 17 from Garfield School and 100, from Oak Grove are occupying the camp this week. Leaders in charge are: Mrs. Alan Mickelson, Mrs. James Marsh, Mrs.

Frank Curtis and Miss Sally Andrews. Your Eyes by Dr. S. S. Rothman OPTOMETRIST 125 East Main Phone 4012 JOB'S DAUGHTERS IN CLINTON INSTALL Clinton, June 21 (Staff) Jean Schuetzer will be installed as Honored Queen of Job's Daughters, Bethel No.

30, Wednesday night, at 8 p. m. in the Masonic Hall. Other officers to be installed are: Ann Thompson, senior princess, Sandra Spitzer, junior princess, Joan Hooker, guide, Martha Miller, treasurer, Sharon Wrone, marshal, Connie Rabbem, chaplain, Sharon Phelps, recorder, Elizabeth Hagler, librarian Linda Fosnaugh, musician. Turners at Home to Friends Near Monticello Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Gordon Turner have returned from their wedding trip and are at home to their friends on a farm cast Monticello. She is the former ine Ann Stroll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stroll of Monticello, and his parents are the Ralph Gordon Turners of Ivesdale.

The couple was married May 28. Savoy Dance Savoy Club will have a record dance from 8:30 to 11:30 p. Thursday in the Fun Club Room of the YMCA. Miss Mary Lou Eaton and Miss Mary Ann Gallivan will be in charge. Guard Your Eyes Against Accidents DR.

ROTHMAN the with a clean wet cloth and exet competent medical attention at once. Men who work at hazardous jobs should wear safety glasses and this goes for the man in his home workshop, too. In working with screw drivers or other sharp tools, keep your face well out of the line of action. When you trim a hedge watch out for projecting branches. Most eye accidents happen in a split second of time, so be wisewear your safety glasses or goggles over your of on the top of your head.

If you lose an arm or leg, an artificial limb may be of great help. But if you lose an eye you can't buy one that will enable you see. ous jobs. take advantage of Wear safety, goggles on dangerthe professional, skill of your opfind out if your present vision is good fair or bad. Each year in American industry some 300,000 industrial eye accidents happen and more 1 than 90 per cent of them preventable.

Your eyes can be seriously injured by flying dust, cinders, splinters, bits of steel and other fine particles. If an eye DR. ROTHMAN accident does happen cover AMERICAN EXPRESS CHAMPION An exciting, escorted 9-day tour that's twice the fun of an ordinary vacation! See Washington, D.C. and New York plus Atlantic City. In New York you spend an evening at the glamorous Latin Quarter see the Broadway musical, cover all the highlights! In Washington -The White The The Supreme Court.

and Mount Vernon. Luxury hotels ultramodern weekly, from Chicago $161 (plus tax). Use Pay Later Plan if you wish For information about this and other tours see LEO E. MENDEL UNITED TRAVEL SERVICE Member--American Society of Travel Agents 564 N. Water St.

NO SERVICE CHARGE a Phone 2-3394 or 8-2913 STORE WOOLENS Safe from Moths INC 5 PHONES 4275 SPECIAL! LIMITED TIME ONLY! YOU SAVE $2.00 FRIGEE KEEP INSULATED PICNIC BAG KEEPS CONTENTS GOOD YEAR VINYLFILM HOT OR COLD FOR HOURS! FOR PICNICS TRAVEL FISHING, Etc. Reg. $4.98 Now Only $2.98 Fiberglas-insulated vinyl plastic keeps contents hot or cold and fresh hours! Weighs 16-in. by 10-in. by 6-in.

Talon zipper, seamless inner liner. Hurry! While Limited Stocks Last! TOLLY'S MARKETS INC. 2220 E. Wood St. 1355 N.

Route 48 11 rain or shine INDIVIDUAL FASHIONS don't be a dreary drip on a rainy day be glamorous the Carol way! summer storm coats weather -wise fabrics, lightweight and smart, taffeta-lined by Storm Play 14.98 in several colors am air ass A a A A AS a JOSEF SUMMER HOOP- TOTE in lustrous satin-straw 5.00 NEW STYLE S-T-R-E-T-C-H shortie of Helenca nylon yarn 2.00 OMBRE SILK UMBRELLA in pagoda silhouette 5.00 Van Law Carol's Main at Prairie Piatt Legion Council Elects New Officers Monticello, June 21 (Staff) Mrs. George Allen of Monticello was elected president of the Piatt County Council, American Legion Auxiliary, at a recent meeting in Cisco. Other officers elected were: Mrs. Wayne Redman, Bement, first vice president, Mrs. Delbert Walker, Cerro Gordo, second vice president, Mrs.

Paul Reed, Cisco, treasurer, Mrs. T. R. Clark, Bement, historian, Mrs. Lawrence Wessler, Mansfield, Mrs.

Don Persons, DeLand, sergeant-at-arms. 100F Meeting Thursday Decatur Encampment and Auxiliary 37 of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows will have business and a social hour at 8 p.m. Thursday in IOOF Hall. Oneto Council Oneto Council 56, Degree of Pocahontas, will meet at 7:30 tonight in the Empress Building. SAM J.

STODDART TAILOR OF FINE CLOTHES FOR MEN Repairing and Alterations We Close Saturday at 12:30 P. M. Southeast Cor, Lincoln Square, 2nd Floor BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN Let Us Spray It With LIQUA -VITA FERTILIZER Low Cost Keeps. Your Lawn Beautiful All Summer! FREE ESTIMATES BROWNIE 5131 DIAL.

Herald and Review from Decatur, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.