Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (2024)


Diana Allers


Shriek Abyssal: Prothean Obelisk

Benning: Evidence
Citadel: Hanar Diplomat
Citadel: Alien Medi-Gel Formula
Citadel: Biotic Amp Interfaces
Ismar Frontier: Prototype Components
Citadel: Improved Power Grid
Aria: Blood Pack
Aria: Blue Suns
Aria: Eclipse
Apien Crest: Banner Of The First Regiment
Citadel: Pillars of Strength
Irune Book of Plenix
Citadel: Heating Unit Stabilizers
Citadel: Barla Von
Krogan Dying Message

part II

Citadel: Cerberus Ciphers

Citadel: GX12 Thermal Pipe

Citadel: Reaper Code Fragments

Valhallan Threshold: Prothean Data Drives

Dekkuna: Code of the Ancients

Nimbus Cluster: Library of Asha

Silean Nebula: Rings of Alune

Citadel: Chemical Treatment

Citadel: Cerberus Turian Poison

Citadel: Inspirational Stories

Hades Nexus: Prothean Sphere

Citadel: Medi-Gel Sabotage

Athena Nebula: Hesperia-Period Statue

Citadel: Kalkiosaur Fossil

Citadel: Wounded Batarian

Citadel: Cerberus Retribution

Citadel: Target Jamming Technology

Hades Nexus: Obelisk of Karza

Citadel: Batarian Codes

Citadel: Volus Ambassidor

Citadel: Medical Supplies

Citadel: Asari Widow

Dekkuna: Elcor Extraction


Annos Basin

Apien Crest

Sigurd's Cradle

Hades Gamma

Kite's Nest

Exodus Cluster

Minos Wasteland
Ismar Frontier
Shrike Abyssal
Ninmah Cluster
Gemini Sigma
Krogan DMZ
Arcturus Stream
Attican Beta
Aethon Cluster
Athena Nebula
Nimbus Cluster
Valhallan Threshold
Argos Rho
Silean Nebula
Hades Nexus
Nubian Expanse

Hourglass Nebula

The following are after the mission Priority: Mars when you come to the Citadel for the first time. You can pick these up later but you should do it now.

Firstly, Diana Allers is in the Passenger Lounge of the Normandy dock (look into your map) Speak to her and you can allow her to come onto your ship. You can romance her later in the game and she also is a War Asset.

Dr. Chakwas is to the left as you enter the Hospital, speak to her and ask her to come back to the Normandy if you want to (she helps out later with a medigel upgrade).

Go left after you enter the embassies and you should see a Volus talking to a Human and a Turin to the right. Listen to him to get this.

Go to the Shrike Abyssal star system which is shown on the galaxy map after you do the quest Priority: Palaven. Go to the sub system Urla Rast and you can find the artifact on the planet Talis Fai. Get back to the Volus after you have it.

As you go near the elevator after speaking to the Council you'll see her to the right. If you are nice to her, she adds up as a War Asset.

The following are after the mission Priority: Palaven after you rescue the Turian Primarch and then speak to Ashley/Kaidan in the hospital.

You should be able to see a guy – Osoba talking on his phone to the left as you come to the Embassies. Speak to him to get this quest.

You can pick it up while doing the quest, Tuchanka: Turian Platoon, refer here – main page for more information on that. If you missed it doring that mission then you can just buy it from Specter Requisitions in the Procurement Terminal in Normandy's Shuttle Bay. GO speak to the father after that.

You can meen Jondum Bau a Salarian who's standing to the right of the C-Sec office in the Embassies area. Speak to him to get this quest and you also get a chance to meet an old friend.

After accepting to do this, go into the specter office and look at the specter terminal. You should see a message "Hanar Embassy Tracking", enable it. Now, open your map and you'll see a "Terminal" listed in the points of interest. Go to the terminal which is in the office suites. Now, you need to go to the next Terminal which is in the Docks Holding Area, again, look into your map for clarity the Terminal is in the Security Checkpoint. Go to Bay E28 in this area (map) and then back to the security checkpoint. After all that, we have a loction. Go back to the offices in the Embassies and speak to Bau. EVerything that follows is a cutscene…

After you enter the hospital, look to the left and you'll see a doctor speaking on the phone, approach her to get this. Or you may already have got this while doing the N7: Cerberus Lab mission when you took the medi-gel formula. If you did not pick up the formula during that mission then just buy the formula from Specter Requisitions in the Specter office in the Embassies. You can also access Specter Requisitions on the Procurement Terminal in the Normandy's Shuttle Bay. Just give the formula to the doctor to end this task.

You can pick up the Medi-Gel formula while doing the quest N7: Cerberus Lab. Refer – main page and read the mission for the exact location. Even if you missed it during the mission you can still buy it from Specter Requisitions in the Procurement Terminal in the Shuttle Bay of The Normandy. Give it to the Asari to end this task.

As you enter the second part of the Hospital in the area between Lab Services and Inpatient Wing you can hear an Asari Scientist to the right. Hear her to get this quest.

You can pick up the interfaces from the mission – Grissom Academy: Investigation, visit here for more info – main page

If you did not pick up the formula during that mission then just buy the formula from Specter Requisitions in the Specter office in the Embassies. You can also access Specter Requisitions on the Procurement Terminal in the Normandy's Shuttle Bay. Give it to the scientis to end this task.

You can hear a Salarian Scientist in the room directly opposite to where Ashley/Kaidan is being kept in the Hospital.

Go to the system Ismar Frontier from your galaxy map and then in the Aquila Sub-System in the planet Metaponto you can find the component.

There's a woman on a call outside the Purgatory Bar, listen to her to get this. You can get them during the mission N7: Cerberus Attacks visit – main page – and read there for more info. Even if you miss it during that mission you can still buy it from the Specter Requisitions in the Procurement Terminal in the Shuttle Bay of Normandy. Go back to the woman & give the Grid Schematics.

Speak to Aria in the Purgatory to get this.

Go to the Citadel Commons and then to the Apartments area (look at your map). Take a left as you enter the Apartments and watch the Cutscene. The mission ends just like that.

Speak to Aria in the Purgatory to get this.

Go to the Docks Holding Area to meet Darner Vosque, he's near Cargo Hold A (look at your map). You can choose to kill the General or to work things out with him. After that, go to the Commons and to the General (he's shown in the map). If you don't remember him, he was giving trouble to the Asari Consort in Mass Effect the first part. You can give out an order to kill him or be friendy with him. If you are friendly then go to the Meridian Market Place and speak to the left most Salarian and agree to his demands. You can find what the Salarian wants in Kite's Nest and Sub-System Vular. Look in the planet Vana to get it. Go back to the Salarian and the General to finish this.

Speak to Aria in the Purgatory to get this.

Go to Bailey in the C-Sec office on the Embassies. After you speak to him he agrees to set up a vid comm with the Asari. After speaking to her, you can release her or find another way. If you want to find another way, then go to the Docks Holding are and look for Sayn (in your map). Talk to him and ask him to grow a pair.

Go back and speak to Aria after you do all the baove three quests just for formality.

You can hear some Turian soldiers in the Lower Bar area of the Purgatory.

Go to Apien Crest and in the sub-system Castellus and look in the planet Digeris for the Artifact. Take it back to end this.

Listen to the Preacher in Cargo Hold C of the Docks Holding Area and you get this quest.

Head to Kite's Nest and the sub-system Harsa and look in the planet Khar'Shan. Then take it to the Preacher.

Walk left just as you enter the Commons area and you should hear a Volus talking to a Salarian.

After Priority: Tuchanka, Aethon CLuster is marked on the galaxy map. Head to Aru sub-system and look in the planet Trune.

Listen to the Salarian outside the C-Sec office in the Commons area.

You can buy these from the Specter Requsitions in the Procurement Terminal in the sh*ttle Bay of the Normandy after the mission N7: Ceberus Fighter Base, for more info on that mission Visit – main page.

Speak to Liara in the Commons area (look into your map) and if you have been nice to her, she asks you to talk to Barla Von. He's to the left as you exit the elevator in the Bank area.

You'll have to wait for the Krogan DMZ shows up on the Galaxy Map which happens after Priority: Sur'Kesh. Go into the DMZ and find the planet Rothla in the system Dranek. Scan the planet to get the asset. Go back to Barla Von to finish this task.

Krogan Dying Message

You will get this quest during the mission Tuchanka: The Rachni when you pick up an audio log from a dead krogan.

The following are after the mission Priority: The Citadel where you save the council.

There's a Turian on the phone past the Specter Office to the right. Listen to him to get this.

The Ceberus Ciphers can be picked up during the mission N7: Communications Hub. If you miss it then just buy the Ciphers from the Specter Requsitions from the Procurement Terminal in the Shuttle Bay of the Normandy.

During the game, Specialist Treynor asks us to meet Engineer Adams, when you go down to engineering ans speak to him, he mentions these pipes.

You can buy these from the mercahnts in the Bank area (left after you exit the elevator) in the Commons section of the Citadel.

You will see an Asari War Scientist in the Embassy Offices area in the Embassies.

The Reaper Code Fragments can be picked up during the mission Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons. If you miss it then just buy the Ciphers from the Specter Requsitions from the Procurement Terminal in the Shuttle Bay of the Normandy.

You will find a human on the phone near the elevator to the Normandy in the Normandy Docks area, listen to him to get this.

The Prothean Data Drives can be picked if you scan the planet Garvug in the Paz System of the Valhallan Threshold.

An Elcor is speaking to a woman to the right after you exit the elevator on the Purgatory level in the Citadel.

The Code of the Ancients can be picked if you scan the planet Dekkuna in the Phontes System of the Silean Nebula.

You should see a military strategist to the right of the stairs in the Purgatory Club, listen to her to get this.

The Library of Asha can be picked if you scan the planet Carcosa in the Agaiou System of the Nimbus Cluster.

Just as you exit the elevator into the Hospital, an Asari is to the right speaking on the phone.

The Rings of Alune can be picked if you scan the planet Nevos in the Teyolia System of the Nimbus Cluster.

In the Hospital area, as you move from Lab Services to the Inpatient Wing, you can see two rooms, one to the left and the right. Go into the left room to get this.

The Chemical Treatment can be picked up during the mission N7: Fuel Reactors. If you miss it then just buy the artifact from the Specter Requsitions from the Procurement Terminal in the Shuttle Bay of the Normandy.

In the room opposite of where Ashley/Kaidan was kept earlier is a salarian doctor, listen to him.

The Turian Poison can be picked up during the mission Arrae: Cerberus Scientists. If you miss it then just buy the artifact from the Specter Requsitions from the Procurement Terminal in the Shuttle Bay of the Normandy.

A salarian name Solik is speaking to some guards and you can see him after you enter the Docking Area. Agree to help him and you will get this task.

Just walk around the docks and you will see interact icons being displayed at various places. Use them to get three vids and you are done.

In Bay E28 in the Docks Holdina area, you can see some human pleading to a Turian Guard. Listen to him to get this.

The Prothean Sphere can be picked if you scan the planet Gei Hinnom in the Sheiol System of the Far Rim.

Speak to the Human Doctor in Cargo Hold: B in the Docks Holding area to get this.

The broken medi-gel systems are in Cargo Holds: C & A.

You should see an Asari when you go left up the stairs as you exit the elevator in the Commons area.

The Hesperia-Period Statue can be picked if you scan the planet Polissa in the Vernio System of the Athena Nebula.

Go up the right stairs into the Apartments area of the Docks and you should see a Salarian.

The Kalkiosaur Fossil can be picked if you scan the planet Intai'Sei in the Phoenix System of the Argos Rho.

As you go to the Apartments area from the elevator in the Citadel Commons area, you can see a Turian speaking to a woman. listen to get this.

Go to Cargo Hold: C in the Docks Holding area of the Citadel.

Just as you come down the Apartments area and go towards the C-Sec office, you should see two humans to the right, speak to them to get this.

The Captain you need to speak to is to the left after you enter the C-Sec office here, speak to him.

You should see a Turian to the left od Appolo's Cafe in the Commons area.

The Target Jamming Technology can be picked up during the mission Rannoch: Admiral Koris. If you miss it then just buy the Technology from the Specter Requsitions from the Procurement Terminal in the Shuttle Bay of the Normandy.

If you go to the right from the stairs that come down to Appolo's Cafe, you should hear a human on the phone sitting on a bench.

The Obelisk of Karza can be picked if you scan the moon Kopis in the Hoplos System of the Far Rim.

To the left of the C-Sec office in the Commons area is officer Noles. Speak to her to get this task.

Go to the Specter Office and use the Terminal and Authorize this. Next to the hospital and the Lab Services area, you should see the console as you walk around here. The next console is in the Normandy Dock in the Passenger Lounge. Bay E28 of the Docks: Holding Area has the last console.

You can get this after you read a mail o your private terminal on the Normandy

First Authorize the tracking of the Ambassidor from the Specter Terminal in the Specter Office in the Embassies area of the Citadel. Follow the locations on your map next, just look into your map and see if any new points of interest are shown in any level of the CItadel. You will need to go and speak with the Guard outside the Offices are in the Embassies. Check everything on the terminal and pick up the bug from the left of the room here. Then go to the Apartments area in the Commons. Go left up the stairs and into the last room.

Specialist Treynor asks you to meet Dr.Chakwas when you are bacck on the Normandy, speak to the doctor to get this task.

Cactus in in Cargo Hold: B in the Docks Holding area. Persuade him to commit to the exchange.

You pick this up when you search a dead command during the quest Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery.

The Widow is just below the stairs which come as you go right from Appolo's Cafe.

You can get this only after Priority: Rannoch. In the embassies area to the right of the elevator is an ELcor. Speak to him to get this task.

Just scan the planet Dekkuna in the Phontes system of the Silean Nebula.

The following are after the mission Priority: Mars and when you get back to the Normandy from the Citadel, you can check these out.

You can scan by going into a solar system and hitting the scan button. Sometimes scans show up, fuel wreckages and other times, important things like War Assets and Artifacts needed to complete the tasks which you get on the Citadel.

Here's a video of a scanning I did –






Banner of the First Regiment (artifact) –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (1)

Fuel Wreckage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (2)


Turian 79th Flotilla (war asset) & Fuel Wreckage &Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (3)


Fuel Wreckage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (4)

Javelin Missile Launchers (war asset) –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (5)


Salvage – 10000 Credits & Fuel Wreckage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (6)


Salvage – 10000 Credits –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (7)

Fuel Wreckage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (8)


Special Ops Team Zeta (war asset) –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (9)


Salvage & Fuel Wreckage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (10)


Fuel Wreckage & Alliance Frigate Agincourt (war asset) –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (11)


Salvage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (12)

Fuel Wreckage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (13)


Weapon Upgrade Kit (intel) & Fuel Wreckage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (14)

Pillars of Strength (Artifact) –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (15)


Salvage – 10000 credits & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (16)


Only shows after you accept the Aria: Blue Suns quest and are willing to trade artifacts for guns with the Salarian shop keeper.


Prothean Data Files (war asset) & Fuel Wreckage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (17)


Alliance Naval Exploration Flotilla (War Asset), Alliance Cruiser Shanghai (war asset), Remains of Reaper Destroyer (Intel), Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (18)

Alliance Special Ops Team Delta (war asset) –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (19)

The following are after the mission Priority: Palaven after you rescue the Turian Primarch and then speak to Ashley/Kaidan in the hospital.


Salvage & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (20)


Advanced Biotic Implants (Intel) –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (21)

Xe Cha

Salvage & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (22)

Urla Rast

Prothean Obelisk (Artifact) & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (23)

The following are after Priority: Sur'Kesh



Salvage & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (24)


Alliance Cruiser Nairobi (War Asset) –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (25)

Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (26)




This only shows if you accept the mission Citadel: Barla Von


Fuel Wreckage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (27)

The following is after you do any mission after Priority: Sur'Kesh or after the mission Attican Traverse: The Rachni, Specialist Traynor mentions a cerberus abuction and then you get a quest and this place shows in the galaxy map.


Intel from battle of Arcturus (Intel) & Fuel Wreckage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (28)


Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (29)

The following are after the mission Priority: Tuchanka


Interferometric Array (war asset) & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (30)


Exogeni Scientists (war asset) & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (31)


Volus Fabrication Units (war asset) –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (32)

Book of Plenix (Artifact) & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (33)


Volus Intelligence Archives (Intel) & Fuel Wreckage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (34)


Volus Dreadnaugth Kwunhu (war asset) –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (35)

Fuel Wreckage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (36)

Satu Arrd

Volus Engineering Team (war asset) &Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (37)

The following are after the mission Priority: The Citadel


Asari Cruiser Cybaen (war asset) –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (38)


Asari Research Ships (war asset) –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (39)

Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (40)


Asari Cruiser Nefrane (war asset) –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (41)

Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (42)


Hesperia Period Statue (Artifact) –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (43)

Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (44)


Asari Enginers (war asset) & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (45)


Intact Reaper Weapon (Intel) & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (46)

Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (47)

Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (48)


Library of Asha (artifact) –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (49)


Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (50)

Missana – Empty


Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (51)


Prothean Data Drives (artifact) & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (52)


Emergency Fuel Pods (war asset)-

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (53)

Element Zero Converter (war asset) & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (54)

The following are after the quest Priority: Geth Dreadnaught


Haptic Optics Array (war asset) –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (55)

Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (56)


Fossilized Kalkiosaur (artifact) & Turian Spec Ops Team (war asset) & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (57)


Advanced Power Relays (war asset) –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (58)


Dr.Jelize (war asset) –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (59)


Armali Sniper Unit (war asset) –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (60)

Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (61)


Serrice Guard (war asset) –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (62)

Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (63)


Code of The Anicents (artifact) & Elcor Flotilla (war asset) –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (64)

Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (65)


Rings of Alune (artifact) & Salvage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (66)

Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (67)


Alliance Frigate Hong Kong (war asset) –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (68)

Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (69)


Obelisk of Karza (artifact) & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (70)


Alliance Frigate Leipzig (war asset) & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (71)


Prothean Sphere (artifact) –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (72)

The following is after the mission Priority: Horizon


Research Data from Pragia (intel) –

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Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (74)


Alliance Frigate Trafalgar (war asset) & Fuel Wreckage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (75)


Alliance Marine Recon Unit (war asset) & Fuel Wreckage –

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (76)


Salvage & Fuel Wreckage –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (77)


Terminus Freighters (war asset) –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (78)


Shadowbroker Starship Tech (war asset) –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (79)


Shadowbroker Support Team (war asset) –
Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (80)

Mass Effect 3 Galaxy Scanning and Citadel Tasks Guide | GameZone (2024)
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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.